RBB – Berliner Abendschau

Berliner Abendschau, the local news magazine from RBB – Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg reports about the unveiling of the memorial plaque for the Electronic Beat Studio.

Please follow the link


#Ash Ra Tempel. #Berlin, #Bernd Kistenmacher, #Burghard Rausch, #Christopher Franke, #Edgar Froese, #Electronic Beat Studio, #Folke Hanfeld, #Gerd Bluhm, #Hans Zimmer, #Klaus Schulze, #Lutz “Ludwig” Kramer, #Lutz “Lüül” Graf-Ulbrich, #Lüül, #Manuel Göttsching, #Memorial plaque, #Michael “Fame” Günther, #Michael Hoenig, #Konrad Latte, #Mickie Duwe, #Nelson-Mandela-Schule, #Pfalzburger Strasse, #Wilmersdorf, #Rolf Bauer, #Tangerine Dream, #Thomas Kessler. #Ulli Zelle

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