Update for Stimulous subsite

What still was missing is now complete. I have written down some thoughts about my musical background, about my life and my motivation. Essentially about what I do and why I do that.  Please follow this link and find out more on the Stimulous subite.

New subsite added

We have added a new subsite called “Own Sounddesigns”.  From time to time Bernd Kistenmacher writes test-reports to demonstrate and present new synthesizers. Part of them are so called “Sound-Examples”, which show the possibilites of the featured synthesizer. This here is only a “proof of doing” and therefore it is not part of the “Sounddesign” site.

To check it out, lease follow this link!

Radio Goethe

Bernd Kistenmacher’s track “Everlasting Magic” from his album “Paradise” has been aired beside music from Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze and many others in Arndt Peltners latest show on Radio Goethe (Los Angeles). To listen to the show, please follow this link: http://www.radiogoethe.org/tl_files/radiogoethe/audio/shows/rg_2018_06_08.mp3