Bernd Kistenmacher Interview für LAUTFUNK Podcast

Unter dem Titel “Ferne Ziele, Synthesizer und Berliner Schule” hat Bernd Kistenmacher ein Interview für den “Probe Podcast” der LAUTFUNK Website gegeben.

In Podcast Nr. 29 spricht er über Vintage- und moderne Synthesizer, die Berliner Schule und sin Buch-Projekt “Ferne Ziele”.

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Interview mit Bernd Kistenmacher


Klaus Schulze 4. August 1947 – † 26. April 2022


Klaus Schulze und Bernd Kistenmacher im August 1989 in Dresden
Klaus Schulze 04.08.1947 – † 26.04.2022

Die Nachrichten könnten kaum trauriger sein. Nach langer, schwerer Krankheit ist Klaus Schulze am 26. April 2022 verstorben.

Klaus Schulze war mein Held. Der, der mich dazu gebracht hat, elektronische Musik zu machen. Er war der einzige, der einen mit seiner Musik zum Fliegen bringen konnte. Er war der einzig wahre kosmische Kurier und ein Bruder im Geiste. Einfach “De Beste Van De Klas”.

Eine kurze Zeit lang sind unsere Wege parallel gelaufen und wir hatten unsere “Momente”. Es waren gute und unvergessliche Momente. Ich vermisse sein jungenhaftes Lachen. Seine Musik wird bleiben.

Ruhe in Frieden Klaus!

The news couldn’t be sadder. After a long, serious illness, Klaus Schulze passed away on April 26, 2022.

Klaus Schulze was my hero. The one that got me into making electronic music. He was the only one who could make you fly with his music. He was the only true cosmic courier and a brother in spirit. Simply “De Beste Van De Klas”.

For a short time our paths ran parallel and we had our “moments”. There were good and unforgettable moments. I miss his boyish laugh. His music will stay.

Rest in peace Klaus!

Test: Waldorf IRIDIUM Synthesizer

IRIDIUM and QUANTUM Synthesizer

Hello together, summer is over and the crisis is still running, but It’s time now to return to my test business as usual. I was able to have a closer look to the brandnew Waldorf IRIDIUM Synthesizer for german platform. As all other reports you can read a little more about this on my subsite Tests& Stories finding here. Thank you for your attention and have a good time.

Signature Tracks pt. VII

A new Signature Track is online. Please listen to it and check also my other Signature Tracks on this Site or on my YouTube channel. Please do not forget to subscribe for regularely infos and updates. Thank you

New subsite “Signature Tracks”

After a small re-design of my website, a new subsite “Signature Tracks” is now visible. This site is meant as acoustic ID-card of my work and it is also linked to my YouTube channel. This site will be permanently updated. So it is a helpfull way to follow my work. Check it out! Thank you for your attention.