Manuel Göttsching 9. September 1952 – † 4. Dezember 2022


Manuel Göttsching and his friend Lutz "Lüül" Ulbrich
Manuel Göttsching and his friend Lutz “Lüül” Ulbrich

I thought it would be enough for this year, but now another hero of my beloved Berlin electronic music school has passed away. Manuel Göttsching died on December 4, 2022.

In 2020 Manuel gave me his time for a 5-hour interview about his life for my book “Distant Goals”. That was the last time we met in person. I’m still happy and proud that in December 2020 I celebrated with the memorial plaque for the Electronic Beat Studio, the place in Berlin where it all began, “Thank you for your unique and cosmic music that has lit up my life so many times”, could say.

Rest in peace Manuel

Memorial plaque Electronic Beat Studio, Berlin
Gedenktafel für das Electronic Beat Studio, Berlin