The dervish has gone. Only a few weeks after Klaus Schulze passed away, my second musical hero Vangelis has died at the age of 79. I will really need time to understand that the most influental persons in my life are no longer here.
I discovered Vangelis at the age of 11 years, when “Aegian Sea” from Aphrodite’s Child was played by a broadcast station in Berlin. Only a little bit time later he began with “Earth” his unbelievable world career. To me Vangelis was a true composer and maybe the best composer I was alowed to listen to and to discover. He was able to express or better to tell a “story” within three minutes, when others needed for the same 30 or more minutes. He was a dervish on all of his instruments and it was allways pure joy to listen to him and to see him playing.
Your music will stay but I miss you Mr. V.