I have written a test for german KEYS magazine about the new #Arturia #MiniLab3 keyboard controller and I am quite happy with it.
Please check out KEYS magazine
or go to my Test & Stories subsit.
Please watch also my Youtube #Shorts video.
I have written a test for german KEYS magazine about the new #Arturia #MiniLab3 keyboard controller and I am quite happy with it.
Please check out KEYS magazine
or go to my Test & Stories subsit.
Please watch also my Youtube #Shorts video.
In my latest episode of Freak Out Your Synth Compact, I present the #MiniLab 3 MIDI Keyboard-Controller from #Arturia.
I discuss pros and cons and show, how versatile this small keyboard is.
Please watch the Video on YouTube by following this link. I also ask for your Likes and Subscriptions of my channel.
Thank you
After a couple of months I am now back to work on videos for my YouTube series “Freak Out Your Synth”. I restart now with a video about the past Superbooth 2022 event that happened from 12th – 14th ofmay, 2022 in Berlin.
Watch the videos here
With video about #Oberheim + #MoonModular +#SchmidtSynthesizer + #SynthWerk + #Arturia + #Instruo
Four days of electronic superpower are over. Superbooth 2021 was THE event, we all waited for so long. After 2 1/2 years it happened again in Berlin and it was a full success. Nearly 140 companies presented their latest instruments and innpvations around the field of electronic music. And I was in the middle of that field and filmed like a whirlwind with my camera and captured everything I could get: interviews, music, the atmosphere and good mood. You can watch my impressions in four very long episodes of FREAK-OUT-YOUR-SYNTH on YouTube. Click on the videos to jump over…and take some time watching it.
You will need it 😉
More Freak-Out-Your-Synth here
This is the first Episode of ONE SYNTH ONLY. This series is originally part of my YouTube Vlog FREAK OUT YOUR SYNTH, where I present selected Synthesizers and much more. With a delay of a couple weeks i will extract and present all ONE-SYNTH-ONLY videos in a separate playlist in my YouTube channel. So you can watch my videosessions isolated or in the full length tutorials of Freak OUT YOUR Synth. This time I play the ARTURIA POLYBRUTE MORPHING ANALOGE SYNTHESIZER. And nothing else!
Now you have the choice!
Enjoy and please don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel.
Thank you and all the best
Bernd Kistenmacher
Also watch here: Freak-Out-Your-Synth Website
Ich könnte kaum stolzer sein, aber heute ist Episode#1 meines neuen Vlogs “Freak-Out-Your-Synth” auf YouTube online gegangen. In diesem Vlog werde ich über meine Lieblingsbeschäftigungen – Synthesizer und Filme machen – berichten. Das darf man sich als Mischung aus Präsentaion, Test und einer Performance an dem jeweils präsentierten Instrument vorstellen. One-Synth-Only wird dabei das Video im Video sein. In dieser Episode präsentiere ich den PolyBrute synthesizer von Arturia. Ein echter Knaller. Am besten schaut ihr euch das sofort an und wenn ihr mehr davon sehen wollt, abonniert doch einfach meinen YouTube Kanal. Wo geht’s lang? Hier geht’s lang
This is the first Episode of FREAK-OUT-YOUR-SYNTH, Bernd Kistenmacher’s first vlog where he is following his passions for Synthesizers and Filmmaking. Included is the new and unique series ONE-SYNTH-ONLY, where I perform on the each presented instruments. In this Episode he present the brandnew PolyBrute Synthesizer von Arturia. Its a true beast. Please watch it here and Subscribe to my channel.
Auch auf der Subsite “Tests & Stories” zu finden.
In der aktuellen Ausgabe des KEYS-Magazin 04/2021 findet Ihr einen Testbericht von Bernd Kistenmacher über den Polybrute Analog Morphing Synthesizer von ARTURIA. Vorweg sei gesagt: er ist begeistert.
Mehr Informationen findet Ihr hier auf der Subsite “Tests & Stories“