Bernd Kistenmacher präsentiert auf seinem YouTube Kanal FREAK OUT YOUR SYNTH unter dem Titel “G.A.S. ALARM” (G.A.S. steht für Gear Acquisition Syndrome) eine neue Reihe von Videos, in denen Sammler von Synthesizern und ihre Kollektionen vorgestellt werden. Sie zeigen ihre Schätze und sprechen über ihre Passion.
Die Serie beginnt mit einem Portrait des in Südtirol lebenden Italieners Sven Miracolo.
Dave Smith (screenshot taken from Sequential website)
This is a hard year for the world of electronic music. After the death of Klaus Schulze, Vangelis and Andrew Fletcher now one of the most influential pioneers and inventors of synthesizers and other electronic music equipment has passed away. Just 2 weeks ago he attended to the Berlin Superbooth event to present his latest cooperation with Tom Oberheim, the Oberheim OB-X8 syntheiszer. He was in best mood and nobody who had seen him thee would have expected this terrible news.
I remember in his last synthesizer coup, which he had done for his own company SEQUENTIAL in 2021, the PROPHET-10 rev 4, which has been named the best synthesizer of 2021. I had composed a piece of music only on this fantastic synthesizer.
The dervish has gone. Only a few weeks after Klaus Schulze passed away, my second musical hero Vangelis has died at the age of 79. I will really need time to understand that the most influental persons in my life are no longer here.
I discovered Vangelis at the age of 11 years, when “Aegian Sea” from Aphrodite’s Child was played by a broadcast station in Berlin. Only a little bit time later he began with “Earth” his unbelievable world career. To me Vangelis was a true composer and maybe the best composer I was alowed to listen to and to discover. He was able to express or better to tell a “story” within three minutes, when others needed for the same 30 or more minutes. He was a dervish on all of his instruments and it was allways pure joy to listen to him and to see him playing.
Your music will stay but I miss you Mr. V.
Vangelis – The dervish has gone (image from Theelsewhere website)
After a couple of months I am now back to work on videos for my YouTube series “Freak Out Your Synth”. I restart now with a video about the past Superbooth 2022 event that happened from 12th – 14th ofmay, 2022 in Berlin.
Die Nachrichten könnten kaum trauriger sein. Nach langer, schwerer Krankheit ist Klaus Schulze am 26. April 2022 verstorben.
Klaus Schulze war mein Held. Der, der mich dazu gebracht hat, elektronische Musik zu machen. Er war der einzige, der einen mit seiner Musik zum Fliegen bringen konnte. Er war der einzig wahre kosmische Kurier und ein Bruder im Geiste. Einfach “De Beste Van De Klas”.
Eine kurze Zeit lang sind unsere Wege parallel gelaufen und wir hatten unsere “Momente”. Es waren gute und unvergessliche Momente. Ich vermisse sein jungenhaftes Lachen. Seine Musik wird bleiben.
Ruhe in Frieden Klaus!
The news couldn’t be sadder.After a long, serious illness, Klaus Schulze passed away on April 26, 2022.
Klaus Schulze was my hero.The one that got me into making electronic music.He was the only one who could make you fly with his music.He was the only true cosmic courier and a brother in spirit.Simply “De Beste Van De Klas”.
For a short time our paths ran parallel and we had our “moments”.There were good and unforgettable moments.I miss his boyish laugh.His music will stay.
Bernd Kistenmacher hat den brandneuen Iridium Keyboard Synthesizer von Waldorf, der erstmlig ein Keyboard mit polyphonem Aftertouch besitzt, für die Online-Plattform ausführlich getestet und ist begeistert.
Zitat:”Würde ich Polyphonic Aftertouch fälschlicherweise mit „PHAT“ abkürzen, träfe es dennoch haargenau meine Einschätzungen bzgl. des gesamten Iridium Keyboard Synthesizers. Exzellent!”
Mehr zu diesem Artuikel hier hier oder direkt bei
the brandnew and really hot IRIDIUM KEYBOARD synthesizer from WALDORF has arrived in Bernd Kistenmacher’s Studio in Berlin and is now ready for intensive tests.
This sounddesigners dream completes the Quantum / Iridium Synthesizer family and will be soon presented on german platform as well as in Bernd Kistenmacher’s own FreakOutYourSynth YouTube channel.